
gitops what is it


Ksenia Ostride Labs

Ksenia Kazlouskaya

Chief Marketing Officer

Ksenia’s background is in the IT and healthcare industries. She helps us grow our story in the cloud migration community and execute our inbound marketing strategy

GitOps: What is it and How to put it into practice

Updated 9 Nov 2023


In the evolving world of software development, the term “GitOps” has gained significant traction. But what exactly is GitOps, and how can it revolutionize the way DevOps teams operate? This article explores the fundamentals of GitOps, its relationship with Kubernetes, and how it integrates into the infrastructure of modern applications.

Understanding GitOps 

GitOps is a paradigm or a set of practices that empowers DevOps teams to perform tasks like deployment and infrastructure management using Git. The core principle of GitOps is using Git as the single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. By using Git, teams can keep the entire system’s desired state in version-controlled repositories, making it easy to audit changes and revert to previous states if necessary.

The Role of Automation in GitOps

An integral aspect of GitOps is automation. This approach relies heavily on automated tools to enforce the desired state specified in the Git repository. Whenever a change is committed to the repository, these tools automatically apply the changes to the relevant infrastructure, whether it’s a Kubernetes cluster or cloud-based services. This automation extends to testing, where changes are automatically validated before being deployed, ensuring that only verified updates alter the system. Such automation not only speeds up the deployment process but also minimizes human errors, making the entire development cycle more efficient and reliable.

Collaboration and Version Control: The Heart of GitOps

GitOps also enhances collaboration among development and operations teams. With the entire system’s configuration codified in Git, it becomes easier for team members to collaborate, review, and understand changes. The use of branches, pull requests, and merge strategies, common in software development, are applied to infrastructure changes. This approach not only improves the quality of the infrastructure code but also ensures better control and accountability. Every change is tracked, and the history is preserved in Git, allowing teams to understand the evolution of the system and facilitating easier troubleshooting and audits.

In essence, GitOps revolutionizes the way infrastructure and applications are managed, intertwining development best practices with operations for a more unified and efficient workflow.

The GitOps Workflow

The typical GitOps workflow involves several key steps:

  1. Source Control Management: Everything, including infrastructure as code, application code, and configurations, is stored in a Git repository. This approach ensures consistency and traceability of changes.
  2. Automated Deployment: Automated tools monitor the repository for changes. Once a change is detected, these tools ensure that the state of the cluster (often a Kubernetes cluster) matches the state described in the repository.
  3. Active Reconciliation: The system continuously monitors and corrects any drift from the desired state in the repository. This approach reduces manual intervention and increases the system’s resilience.

GitOps and Kubernetes

Kubernetes, the popular container orchestration tool, plays a significant role in GitOps strategies. With Kubernetes, managing clusters becomes more manageable, and GitOps principles can be applied effectively to manage deployments and control application lifecycles. Kubernetes’ declarative nature aligns well with GitOps methodologies, where the desired state of the system is declared and version-controlled.

Advantages of GitOps

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: GitOps simplifies the process of deployment, making it more efficient and less prone to errors. This efficiency is especially evident in Kubernetes environments, where managing clusters can be complex.
  2. Improved Security: By using Git as the central point for change control, GitOps ensures an auditable trail of all changes, enhancing security and compliance.
  3. Better Stability: Continuous reconciliation means the system is constantly monitored and corrected, leading to improved stability and reliability.

Implementing GitOps in Your Infrastructure

Embracing GitOps within your infrastructure involves a series of strategic steps, each playing a crucial role in ensuring a successful implementation. Here’s a more detailed breakdown:


  1. Adopt Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The first step in GitOps is to adopt Infrastructure as Code. This practice involves defining your entire infrastructure – from networks and servers to Kubernetes clusters and application configurations – in code format. This code is then stored in a Git repository, serving as the foundational source of truth. The advantage of IaC is manifold, providing consistency, traceability, and the ability to track changes over time. By leveraging Git for this, you gain the added benefits of version control, enabling your teams to manage infrastructure changes with the same rigor and precision as application development. 
  2. Select the Right Tools: The effectiveness of GitOps largely depends on the tools you choose. Essential tools for GitOps include Kubernetes for managing containerized applications and orchestrating their deployment, scaling, and operations. Additionally, you’ll need tools for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) to automate the application and infrastructure deployment processes. These tools should seamlessly integrate with Git, allowing for automatic triggering of deployment pipelines upon commit changes. This integration is key to maintaining a synchronized state between your Git repository and the deployed infrastructure. 
  3. Train Your Teams: Successful GitOps implementation is not just about tools; it’s equally about people. Your DevOps teams need to be well-versed in GitOps principles and practices. This training encompasses understanding how to use Git for infrastructure management, applying best practices in IaC, and mastering the use of Kubernetes and other CI/CD tools in a GitOps context. Investing in training ensures that your teams are equipped to leverage GitOps for efficient and error-free deployments and infrastructure management. 
  4. Continuous Monitoring: To maintain the health and performance of your systems, continuous monitoring is indispensable in a GitOps setup. Implement monitoring and logging solutions that provide real-time insights into your infrastructure and applications. These tools should be capable of detecting any deviations from the desired state defined in your Git repository and alerting the relevant teams. Continuous monitoring not only helps in proactively identifying and addressing issues but also plays a critical role in ensuring compliance and security within your infrastructure. 

By carefully adopting these steps, your organization can transition smoothly into a GitOps model, reaping the benefits of enhanced efficiency, improved accuracy, and better control over your infrastructure and applications.


GitOps is indeed more than just a buzzword in the realm of DevOps and software development. It represents a transformative approach, enhancing efficiency, bolstering security, and elevating the stability of software development and infrastructure management processes. The methodology of using Git as a unified source of truth, coupled with the integration of tools that facilitate automated deployment and continuous reconciliation, enables organizations to streamline their operations and establish a more robust and resilient system.


For teams already immersed in DevOps practices, transitioning to GitOps offers a logical and progressive step in their evolutionary journey. This shift not only aligns with modern best practices in software development and infrastructure management but also opens up new avenues for scaling and improving operational workflows.


At Ostride Labs, we understand the intricacies and the transformative potential of GitOps. We offer expert guidance and support for organizations looking to adopt this practice. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimize your existing GitOps strategies, our team is here to assist. We invite you to book a free consultation through our website at any time. This consultation is an opportunity to discuss your specific needs, explore the benefits of GitOps for your organization, and lay out a roadmap for successful implementation. Embrace the future of infrastructure management with GitOps and Ostride Labs – your partners in technological advancement.



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