Build your product or SaaS from scratch

App modernization

Go serverless

Security in a public cloud

Security in a hybrid environment

Full-scale SRE function

A service tailored for your needs

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Go Cloud Native

Ensure compliance without having to change everything

Operate in the regions where your clients are

Scale your database automatically


What is cloud migration?

The majority of the time, cloud migration involves shifting mission-critical operations from on-premises or legacy infrastructure to a cloud provider's virtual data center or from one cloud provider to another. Moving your data, apps, databases, and IT procedures to distant data centers is a part of this process.

A significant step toward a business's digital transformation, cloud migration modifies the way operations and rules operate.

What is cloud computing?

The availability of many services, such as data storage, servers, software, and databases through the internet is known as cloud computing. Both large and small organizations can benefit from cloud computing since it lowers or even eliminates the upfront expenditures of IT infrastructure, speeds up application deployment, and enables IT departments to manage resources more adaptable to changing and unpredictable demand.

Is it safe to move to the cloud?

Mission-critical data can be safely stored on the cloud, which has now outperformed most on-premises systems in terms of security, given the cloud's expanding popularity. Many IT security organizations choose to concentrate their RnD efforts on cloud computing security since the recent pandemic provided the already-expanding cloud market with another boost.

What is a SaaS?

A method of distributing applications over the Internet as a service is known as software as a service (or SaaS). You can avoid complicated software and hardware maintenance by just accessing software over the Internet rather than installing and maintaining it.

What is a cloud solution?

IT resources are delivered on demand over the Internet by cloud solutions, commonly referred to as cloud computing or cloud services. On a pay-per-use basis, cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform can provide their members anything from applications to data centers.

What is a Managed Service?

Managed cloud services provide full or partial management of a client's cloud infrastructure or resources. Migration, configuration, optimization, security, and maintenance are all examples of management duties. Managed services are used to improve operations and save budgetary expenditures by reducing the number of directly engaged workers.

Why do businesses need managed services?

The advantage of managed services is that MSPs tackle maintenance in a proactive manner rather than waiting for something to go wrong. MSPs utilize remote monitoring and management to find potential issues, diagnose them, and fix them before they have an opportunity to escalate.

What is SRE?

A common method of software engineering used in IT operations is called site reliability engineering (SRE). SRE gives tasks that operations teams typically perform manually to engineers or ops teams, who utilise software and automation to manage production systems, address issues, and automate operational duties. In a nutshell - machines make less mistakes in support operations than humans do - and SRE demonstrates it

What is cloud native?

The concept of creating and executing applications in order to make use of the distributed computing capabilities provided by the cloud delivery paradigm is referred to as cloud native. Apps that are cloud native are created to take advantage of the size, elasticity, resilience, and flexibility the cloud offers.

Can I set a replication (backup) schedule for essential business applications?

A cloud migration tool can be used to carry out the difficult process of setting a replication plan that deals with a specific area of IT infrastructure. All machines, as well as specific groups and individual machines, can have their schedules and snapshot storage policies set.

Why would a company need to move its data and processes to the cloud?

For a variety of reasons, businesses choose to migrate to the cloud. In some circumstances, they want to do away with the cost and maintenance of keeping in-house servers. In other instances, they're making the switch to remote work, WFH (work from home), or hybrid work models, and they require their workers to be able to work together on projects without any issues.

In other cases, businesses try to safeguard themselves against data loss brought on by disasters like floods, fires, hurricanes, equipment breakdowns, or even theft, hacking, or ransomware attacks. Data stored in the cloud may be easily restored in the event of any of these catastrophes, however, data stored locally is occasionally irretrievable.

Which providers are you working with?

We collaborate with cloud service providers like Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services (AWS) (GCP). Although we don't collaborate with Microsoft Azure, if a pressing necessity arises, we may do so.

Does Ostride have a SaaS product we could use?

No, but we can help you build or evolve your SaaS with our comprehensive selection of cloud services.

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