The Challenges

The company was looking to enhance it’s existing line of services by creating a solution that could improve service efficiency and offer a better customer experience. But they needed to create this new service over a short 6-week period.

The Solution

Ostride Labs turned to the Agile Scrum development methodology and VM based infrastructure approach to build the application in just 6 weeks. The credit score app used the most popular coding frameworks, including Javascript, CSS, and Java to upgrade serialization, develop REST services, security, and testing.

The Outcomes

As the result, software development project has been launched for three months. Project goal was to introduce cart functionality inside the video block, so that the viewers could put exact goods into the cart while watching the video.


We help you build your
product in the most modern, sustainable way.

Mobile and web application development

Managed services – SRE

Focus on building your product, we make
sure it is always up and running

Managed services / SRE

security- ostridelabs services

Protect your data and the data of your clients


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