The Challenges

The platform required real-time updates on the voting process, evident transparency on the donated funds, and two main channels of interaction (web and mobile apps) for both campaign initiators and participants.

The platform required a reliable (high availability) infrastructure with automatic up and downscaling for cost-saving purposes, as the nature of the platforms’ usage implied short high-load periods combined with the more relaxed business-as-usual between them (similar to event e-ticket POS solutions).

The Solution

Given the MVP stage of the product and the main goal of identifying product-market fit, it was decided to kick off with the simple but scalable architecture on Google Cloud.

Kubernetes was used for autoscaling purposes and the overall infrastructure layout - with master/slave approach for the DR purposes.

Blue-green deployments were introduced after the set of initial releases to enable zero downtime for the SaaS backend.

The Outcomes

The first production release of the product was made two months after the kick-off. The mobile app was published a month later along with the campaign management web tool for a self-service campaign launch.

The product has succeeded in increasing traction from the audience, and the live voting process has had zero production incidents to date.

The team continues evolving the product together with the founders.


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